• Our Family Scrapbook

    I hate cooking!

    I just came across this piece I posted on my old blog on January 12, 2011, and thought I would give it another run. I hate cooking. I have accepted this fact, and I admit it without shame or guilt.…

  • Our Family Scrapbook

    New Year’s Resolutions 2010

    It’s over 14 years since I wrote the piece below, but it’s so silly that I thought I would post it here. I’m sure everyone has felt this way at one time or another December 31, 2010. 10:02 PM. In…

  • Our Family Scrapbook

    When gas was 25 cents a gallon

    In 1957, a gallon of gas—that’s 3.75 litres—cost 25 cents. On a trip to Sarnia in 1969, we paid 50 cents a gallon, but when we crossed the bridge into Detroit, we paid 25 cents a gallon. And the crazy…

  • Our Family Scrapbook

    When I was young

    I thought it would be nice to gather a few photos of myself when I was young and write a few words about them. The featured image is me at about 18 or 19 months. This is where I was…

  • Our Family Scrapbook

    My third grandchild…it’s a girl–Ashleigh!

    Ashleigh Christine Gloria Coulombe was born on May 16, 1994. She was a beautiful, rosy-cheeked baby with thick dark hair. She was Neil and Jenn’s first and only child. Ashleigh’s christening at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Fallowfield, Ontario. Ashleigh was…

  • Our Family Scrapbook

    My second grandchild-it’s a boy–Austin!

    Austin Arden Durling, Lindsay’s little brother, was my first grandson. Of course, he was the cutest little guy you ever did see. Austin was born on January 28, 1994. His mom always described him as “busy.” And, busy he was.…

  • Our Family Scrapbook

    My first grandchild-it’s a girl–Lindsay!

    Lindsay Marie Durling was my first grandchild, born on January 4, 1991. She was a gorgeous baby, and I was a proud first-time grandma. For my parents, Lindsay was their first great-grandchild, and they were thrilled. I bought Lindsay a…

  • Our Family Scrapbook

    Granny Hays

    Granny Hays was my children’s great-grandmother on their father’s side. She was a humble lady with a soft voice and an unpretentious personality. She loved all the great-grandchildren. Granny Hays was pretty much deaf and used a hearing aid that…

  • Our Family Scrapbook

    Making Music

    In the 1970s, home organs became very popular. They started with a one-keyboard organ called the Hammond Piper. It was an easy-to-play organ made especially for beginners and for family fun. I loved it so much that I bought one,…

  • Our Family Scrapbook

    Ink in my pocket

    Believe it or not, when I was about 10 (1958), we began cursive writing at school with “dip pens” or “stick pens,” as we called them. They were literally a stick with a nib stuck in the end. I remember…