Our Family Scrapbook

All about Angie–a mini photo album

July 19, 2024

Although I don’t have many photos of Angie as an infant, I do have some of her as a baby, starting at about one year old.

Here is Angie when she was one year old, wearing a white lace dress that I remember so well. She was such a wonderful baby—sweet and funny! These photos capture her as she takes some of her first baby steps.

Here she is in her little swimming pool. I think she was about four here. She loved the pool, especially when Poppy got in with her.

Here she is with her Poppy. She was his girl!! There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for his little princess.

This photo is blurry, but I just had to include it because she was so adorable! Angie was always dressed in the finest of clothes and the latest styles.

Here is Angie, age 4 1/2, with Neil, who is three months old. They were so sweet together! They adored each other. Angie was a tremendous help to me when Neil was born, and I knew that one day, she would be a terrific mom.

This photo was taken late one night when Gerry and Helen were over with their new baby, Maria. Helen thought it would be cute to photograph Angie holding both babies. Maria was wailing, Neil was scrunched down, and Angie was struggling to hold on to them!

As Angie got older and our cameras were of better quality, we took many more photos which I will be posting!

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