Our Family Scrapbook

Remembering Cookie

July 27, 2024

In June 2004, we moved into our house on Sherway Drive, and two months later, Cookie joined our little family. She was the sweetest little Bichone Frisé you ever saw.

Cookie was a bit of an “old soul.” She didn’t care to retrieve toys when we tossed them. She would run to it and then walk back to us as if to say, “I didn’t ask you to throw that.”

One time, when she was very young, Cookie found a stack of bills in the pocket of Peter’s pants which he had tossed on a chair in the bedroom. She had a bit of fun with that cash.

Cookie, freshly groomed, with her toys. It’s hard to tell which one is which.

I taught her to run upstairs at night and got to bed–she slept on our bed. So, every evening around eight o’clock, I would tell her to go to bed, which she would do. However, if we didn’t come up within 15 minutes or so, she would come halfway down the stairs and peek through the railing to let us know that it was bedtime for us, too.

She was the dearest, sweetest, and most gentle little dog, and Peter and I both loved her so much. Despite suffering from many illnesses throughout her life, she lived to be 13 1/2 years old.

We still miss little Cookie. When she went over the rainbow bridge, she knew she was loved to the moon and back.

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